Canine separation-related problems. Part 5: what if enhancing a sense of safety does not work?

Many initiating factors for separation-related problems have little to do with the intensity of the human–dog bond. Being alone is an unnatural state for a social species such as a dog; yet, for the...

Incidental osteoarthritis: risk factors, prevalence and clinical evidence in rabbits

All statistical analyses were run using Minitab 20 Statistical Software. A chi-squared test was performed to evaluate association between sex and presence of osteoarthritis. The same test was run to...

Stress-free vet visits: considering the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

The process starts at reception when the patient is booked in. Information about the animal's previous behavioural history at the practice should be logged, alongside a relevant medical history. The...

Considerations for humane euthanasia in exotic pet species

The euthanasia of pet animals always poses ethical, emotional and practical challenges. These may be compounded in the case of exotic pet species because of:.

COVID-19: implications of self-isolation and social distancing for the emotional and behavioural health of dogs

However, as infected dogs are unlikely to show signs of illness and until more is known about COVID-19, it should be assumed that COVID-19 may be transferrable via animals because of a degree of risk...

COVID-19: implications of self-isolation and social distancing for the emotional and behavioural health of equines, parrots and small prey pets

The answer to that question lies in whether animals such as equines, parrots and small prey species can act as vectors for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (the virus which...

COVID-19: implications of self-isolation and social distancing for the emotional and behavioural health of cats

To answer this question, we need to consider whether cats are capable of acting as a vector for SARS-CoV-2 to be passed on to a greater number of humans. In an interview (Weese, 2020), Dr J Scott...