In the study group, tibial length discrepancy measurements were positively and highly correlated to cranial cruciate ligament degeneration, stifle instability and rupture. The degree of tibial length...
PubMed and Google Scholar were used to identify relevant studies for review. The search terms were ‘laryngeal assessment dogs, ‘laryngeal collapse’, ‘laryngeal paralysis’, ‘premedication laryngeal...
Traditionally, pain was regarded as chronic when it lasted or recurred for more than 3–6 months (Merskey and Bogduk, 1994). This definition presents some limitations, as it does not take into account...
Owners may recognise a specific event leading to the injury, such as their dog running for or retrieving a stick (Robinson et al, 2014). Alternatively, owners may be out of sight from the event and...
It is well-recognised that synovial joints are innervated by pain-transmitting nerves (nociceptors). These nociceptors are thinly myelinated Aδ-fibres or unmyelinated C-fibres, with their cell bodies...
The cardio-respiratory variables are shown in Table 2..
The present study identified risk factors for angiostrongylosis by comparing the demographics of dogs diagnosed with this disease in primary care practices with a control sample of dogs presenting at...
Surgical methods of gonadectomy are the most common method for desexing in both owned and unowned dogs, with orchiectomy the most common method of desexing male dogs. While several surgical desexing...
However, as infected dogs are unlikely to show signs of illness and until more is known about COVID-19, it should be assumed that COVID-19 may be transferrable via animals because of a degree of risk...
The tooth has a long root, and extensive alveolectomy is often required to facilitate the extraction. A pedicle flap is therefore usually the most appropriate flap to use. Releasing incisions should...