Advances in diagnosis and management of canine insulinoma: a review

The most common clinical signs associated with canine insulinomas are as follows, along with the corresponding percentage of cases (Dunn et al, 1993; Ryan et al, 2021):.

Minimally invasive laparoscopic methods of biopsy in small animal practice

From a technical point of view, laparoscopic exploration is especially interesting when clinicians require a direct, real and magnified view of the less accessible abdominal structures; such as...

Minimally invasive laparoscopic methods of biopsy in small animal practice

From a technical point of view, laparoscopic exploration is especially interesting when clinicians require a direct, real and magnified view of the less accessible abdominal structures; such as...

A review of mitochondrial disease in dogs

The aetiology of mitochondrial diseases classically involves inheritable genetic mutations in mtDNA and nDNA coding for mitochondrial components, as well as de novo mutations within the individual...

CPD article: Sedation and general anaesthesia of the portosystemic shunt patient

A portosystemic shunt connects the portal circulation to the central circulation, bypassing the liver (Watson, 2014 a). The normal liver receives blood leaving the digestive tract via the hepatic...

Brachycephalic ocular syndrome in dogs

The cornea, tears and eyelids are a functional unit. A good analogy would be the windscreen of a car, which relies on wipers and washer water and additives to stay clear and functional. There are...

CPD article: Fractures of the femur

Radiographic assessment should include, as a minimum, mediolateral and craniocaudal views of both femurs. The craniocaudal view can be obtained either by extending the limb with the animal in dorsal...

Parasite risks from raw meat-based diets for companion animals

Every owner is aware that fresh meat is appreciated by most dogs and cats, but so are many wet commercial foods. The smell, taste and shape of meat probably meets the instinctual need. In general,...

Glaucoma: a self-assessment

Historically, the definition of glaucoma in veterinary medicine was an elevation of IOP (Gelatt et al, 2013). However, glaucoma is not that simple. Glaucoma is currently defined as the final common...

Tarsal fractures: part 2

The calcaneus is the largest and longest bone of the tarsus (Evans, 1993). The distal half of the bone is wide transversely and possesses three facets and two processes whereby it is fitted with the...

Vector-borne disease distributions and risks to the UK

Fleas (Ctenocephalides felis and Ctenocephalides canis) are cosmopolitan ectoparasites, feeding on dogs and cats, which act as competent vectors for a high number of pathogens (Traversa, 2013). A...

Anaesthetic complications and emergencies preparedness part 2: intraoperative and recovery period complications

Hyperthermia is a relatively uncommon complication of anaesthesia, with overall frequency of 1.4% in dogs and cats, according to McMillan and Darcy (2016). Thick-coated dogs are more at risk for this...

Tarsal fractures: part 1

The canine tarsus is a complex anatomical structure composed of seven tarsal bones. The term also applies collectively to the several joints between the tarsal bones, as well as the region between the...