Neutering sugar gliders

It has been documented that a sugar glider should be fasted for approximately 4 hours before anaesthesia for castration (Pye and Carpenter, 1999). However, in the authors' experience, because of the...

Ultrasound-guided blockade of the dorsal nerve of the penis in a Great Dane

A 56.7 kg male neutered Great Dane, aged 3 years and 5 months was referred with a 4-month history of recurrent urethral prolapse and haematuria, refractory to purse string placement under general...

CPD article: Sedation and general anaesthesia of the portosystemic shunt patient

A portosystemic shunt connects the portal circulation to the central circulation, bypassing the liver (Watson, 2014 a). The normal liver receives blood leaving the digestive tract via the hepatic...

Anaesthesia of the patient with chronic kidney disease

In order to fulfil all its functions, each kidney filters a large amount of water and solutes from the blood, reabsorbing the substances needed and secreting the waste products into the convoluted...

The effect on the anaesthetised rabbit of warming the breathing circuit with 40°C liquid

The aim of the study was to determine a cost-effective, simple and easy reproducible way to decrease heat loss in everyday veterinary or field practice when using inhalational anaesthesia..

Basic principles of anaesthesia of small mammals: part 2

General anaesthesia in small mammals can be induced with inhalant anaesthetics, either by mask or in an induction chamber, or with injectable agents, particularly propofol and alfaxalone..

Cuffed endotracheal tubes in cats

Laryngoscopy is invaluable when performing endotracheal intubation in the cat, whether using a cuffed or uncuffed tube. A cuffed ET tube may be more difficult to pass into the trachea than an uncuffed...

The challenges of small animal veterinary anaesthesia in 2020

In modern veterinary practice, maintenance of anaesthesia is generally achieved using an inhalant agent (commonly isoflurane or sevoflurane) vaporised in oxygen and delivered via an anaesthetic...

Anaesthetic complications and emergencies preparedness part 2: intraoperative and recovery period complications

Hyperthermia is a relatively uncommon complication of anaesthesia, with overall frequency of 1.4% in dogs and cats, according to McMillan and Darcy (2016). Thick-coated dogs are more at risk for this...