
Canine heat-related illness – new perspectives from recent research

There are two main triggers of heat-related illness in dogs: environmental heat-related illness triggered by exposure to hot environments (for example, a hot vehicle, building or ambient environmental...

Essential haematology for companion animal vets in first opinion practice

Both electrical impedance and flow cytometry analysers measure haemoglobin concentration, red blood cell count, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), platelet concentration (PLT) and calculate other values...

Minimally invasive laparoscopic methods of biopsy in small animal practice

From a technical point of view, laparoscopic exploration is especially interesting when clinicians require a direct, real and magnified view of the less accessible abdominal structures; such as...

A study of the most common disorders diagnosed in pet cats in the UK

The study population included all cats under primary veterinary care at clinics participating in the VetCompass Programme during 2019. VetCompass is an epidemiological research programme that collates...

A study of short tibia syndrome and its association with cranial cruciate ligament degeneration in dogs

In the study group, tibial length discrepancy measurements were positively and highly correlated to cranial cruciate ligament degeneration, stifle instability and rupture. The degree of tibial length...

Minimally invasive laparoscopic methods of biopsy in small animal practice

From a technical point of view, laparoscopic exploration is especially interesting when clinicians require a direct, real and magnified view of the less accessible abdominal structures; such as...

Decoding puppy behaviour

We all know this look, the heart-warming glance from a puppy when they soften their eyes and squint at you. While most of us rightly interpret this as a dog enjoying a particular activity (or wanting...

Cannabidiol: legislation and prescription

In the UK, there are currently no CBD-based products that have been granted a UK veterinary marketing authorisation. The Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) state that any CBD products for use in...

Cannabidiol and naturalistic fallacy: it's natural so it's safe?

Our improved understanding of the endocannabinoid system of animals, and its ubiquitous presence in nearly all animalia, has potentially opened the door to a novel approach to targeting a number of...

A step by step guide to a video otoscopic ear flush

Pain and head shaking are common if inadequate analgesia is administered. Postoperatively, glucocorticoid anti-inflammatories such as prednisolone 0.5–1mg/kg are often prescribed on a reducing dose...

Dermatological diseases of snakes and lizards and how to investigate them

Environment and stress play major roles in development of reptile disease, including skin disease. These stressors will also affect prognosis, as effects on the reptile's immune system will influence...