
Feline blood pressure measurement: when is it needed?

Systemic hypertension is a potentially life-threatening condition and four body systems are especially vulnerable to the damaging impact of high systemic blood pressure. These so-called target organs...

CPD article: Felid lungworms: from complete strangers to major parasites

The cat lungworm A. abstrusus remains the most important respiratory nematode affecting cats, although T. brevior and C. aerophila are gaining attention in feline clinical practice..

CPD article: Puppy nutrition: weaning and beyond

Weaning is an important life stage for puppies. It is a high-risk time for them (Grellet et al, 2012) and must be managed carefully. At 4 weeks of age, the dam's milk no longer provides all the...

CPD article: Guiding the owner: the use of supplements in canine osteoarthritis management

Veterinary professionals are well aware of the differences between medications and supplements, but it may be important to highlight this to owners when having these discussions. It should not be as...

A review of mitochondrial disease in dogs

The aetiology of mitochondrial diseases classically involves inheritable genetic mutations in mtDNA and nDNA coding for mitochondrial components, as well as de novo mutations within the individual...

Vatinoxan – a new development for the clinical use of α2-adrenoceptor agonists in dogs: part 2

Most of the studies described were performed in healthy research animals. Thus far, only one clinical study performed in dogs has been published. It remains unclear whether vatinoxan should be used in...

Emergency management of open fractures

Patients presenting with an open fracture must be carefully assessed. Open fractures are typically the result of high-energy trauma (Anderson and Gustilo, 1980), such as automobile accidents, so any...

A review of ocular Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection in the rabbit

The classification of E. cuniculi is controversial. Previously classed as a protozoal parasite, and oft en still referred to as this, the current categorisation of E. cuniculi microsporidia is an...

Ultrasound-guided blockade of the dorsal nerve of the penis in a Great Dane

A 56.7 kg male neutered Great Dane, aged 3 years and 5 months was referred with a 4-month history of recurrent urethral prolapse and haematuria, refractory to purse string placement under general...

Using psychopharmacology in the treatment of problem behaviours in dogs and cats

There are several factors that need to be considered when choosing behavioural medication. These fall into three separate categories: legal constraints, considerations relating to the problem...

Using acupuncture to manage wound healing and chronic back pain in a guinea pig

Manifestations of pain in guinea pigs may be subtle, infrequent and inconsistent. Because they are a prey species, signs may be suppressed around humans as a survival mechanism (Turner et al, 2019)....

Health concerns with backyard pigs

Within the UK there are a few breeds of pigs with which the veterinary surgeon should be familiar. UK pig breeds can be categorised into three by their colouring (white body, red colour and belted...