
Quality improvement frameworks for veterinary practice: getting started

The second article in this series will discuss quality improvement tools. First, it is important to discuss what is meant by quality. The domains of quality in human healthcare have been adapted by...

Positive change: workplace culture or team dynamics – where to start?

Workplace culture is rather a buzzword at the moment, but it is widely accepted that knowledge and understanding of workplace culture are crucial to managing a team well (Diez, 2020; Veterinary...

Technology – small steps lead to big changes

There are various examples of technology that practices can already use to make life easier. For clinical applications, diagnostics have made leaps and bounds to deliver quicker, cheaper and more...

Good leadership: what emergency veterinarians value most when evaluating job opportunities and employment longevity

An anonymous online survey was disseminated to emergency veterinarians via an email invitation to Veterinary Information Network (VIN) members. A link to the survey was also distributed to eligible...