
Canine atopic dermatitis

The previous definition of canine atopic dermatitis was of a ‘genetically predisposed inflammatory and pruritic allergic skin disease with characteristic clinical features associated with...

Dermatological diseases of snakes and lizards and how to investigate them

Environment and stress play major roles in development of reptile disease, including skin disease. These stressors will also affect prognosis, as effects on the reptile's immune system will influence...

Canine mange, part 1: causes and diagnosis

The historical and clinical aspects of the common causes of canine mange, plus the approach to diagnosis, have been covered in part 1 of this series. Part 2 will discuss treatment and management...

Dermatological diseases of small mammals

As Osler said, ‘Listen to your patient, he is telling you the diagnosis’. This is no less true in veterinary medicine. As such, the following should always be noted:.

Otitis externa: a review

The normal ear canal (Figure 4a) has an L shape, is lined with epithelium and has ceruminal glands which make cerumen, containing many immunologically active substances. The canal ends in the tympanic...

Pemphigus foliaceus in cats

Pemphigus foliaceus is an antibody-mediated autoimmune skin disease. Autoantibodies belonging to the IgG subclass attack and destroy the desmosomes, the special structures connecting one keratinocyte...

Cutaneous adverse food reactions in the dog and cat – what's new?

The true prevalence of cutaneous adverse food reactions in dogs and cats is unknown. A critically appraised review of more than 30 articles describing these reactions in dogs and cats found that,...

Diagnosis in canine and feline dermatology

The approach to diagnosis is based upon completing the following steps:.

Management of canine atopic dermatitis

Treatment of acute flares It is a recognised phenomenon that dogs with atopic dermatitis will suffer acute flares when exposed to an allergen to which they are hypersensitive (e.g. flea saliva,...

Topical therapy in canine atopic dermatitis: new products

There are three main factors to consider when choosing a topical therapy product. First, the active ingredients should be appropriate for the patient's skin condition. Next, the choice of the...

Skin on the streets — the eyes have it

There are exceptions to every rule, but many of the most common skin conditions have very characteristic distributions of skin lesions. As the dermatological disease process becomes more chronic the...