High stress levels among vets is an increasing trend, with 59% of UK veterinarians considering themselves ‘somewhat or very’ stressed at work (Waters, 2018). Time pressure, in particular, was shown to...
The study population included all cats under primary veterinary care at clinics participating in the VetCompass Programme during 2019. VetCompass is an epidemiological research programme that collates...
An anonymous online survey was disseminated to emergency veterinarians via an email invitation to Veterinary Information Network (VIN) members. A link to the survey was also distributed to eligible...
There are four key touch points that veterinary teams have with owners and/or their dog during the veterinary clinic journey – pre-appointment, reception and waiting area, consultation,...
In the study group, tibial length discrepancy measurements were positively and highly correlated to cranial cruciate ligament degeneration, stifle instability and rupture. The degree of tibial length...
A 3-year-old male Horsfield tortoise (Testudo horsfieldii), weighing 0.085kg..
From a technical point of view, laparoscopic exploration is especially interesting when clinicians require a direct, real and magnified view of the less accessible abdominal structures; such as...
We all know this look, the heart-warming glance from a puppy when they soften their eyes and squint at you. While most of us rightly interpret this as a dog enjoying a particular activity (or wanting...
In the UK, there are currently no CBD-based products that have been granted a UK veterinary marketing authorisation. The Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) state that any CBD products for use in...
Our improved understanding of the endocannabinoid system of animals, and its ubiquitous presence in nearly all animalia, has potentially opened the door to a novel approach to targeting a number of...
Introducing exercises that elevate the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system can help counteract sympathetic nervous system domination and reactivate essential physiological functions such as...
Pain and head shaking are common if inadequate analgesia is administered. Postoperatively, glucocorticoid anti-inflammatories such as prednisolone 0.5–1mg/kg are often prescribed on a reducing dose...