John Chitty

BVetMed CertZooMed MRCVS, School House, Allington, Salisbury, SP4 0AA

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Key facts about endoparasites of pet rabbits: a guide for clinicians

Coccidian parasites are probably the most clinically significant of pet rabbits (Mäkitaipale et al, 2017).

Dermatological diseases of snakes and lizards and how to investigate them

Environment and stress play major roles in development of reptile disease, including skin disease. These stressors will also affect prognosis, as effects on the reptile's immune system will influence...

Dermatological diseases of small mammals

As Osler said, ‘Listen to your patient, he is telling you the diagnosis’. This is no less true in veterinary medicine. As such, the following should always be noted:.