Mount Vets, 1 Harris Street, Fleetwood, Lancashire; ESCCAP UK & Ireland, Malvern
In the early 19th century, rabies was widespread, and the quarantine of imported dogs for 6 months was essential to eradicate endemic rabies from the UK. With the increase in pet travel and 93...
Tapeworm and ascarid infections are generally well tolerated. Large burdens can lead to intestinal obstruction, and migrating Toxocara larvae can cause respiratory signs in puppies and kittens....
Increasing numbers of imported rescue cats and dogs have been seen over the past few years, with an associated risk of exotic pathogens entering the UK. The European Scientific Counsel for Companion...
Numbers of imported rescue cats and dogs have increased over the past few years with the associated risk of exotic pathogens entering the UK. These numbers have been added to in 2022 by Ukrainian pets...
The signs associated with Leishmania infection are immune mediated and in dogs commonly include lymphadenopathy, alopecia, dermatitis, hyperkeratosis, dermal ulcers, anorexia, weight loss,...
Increasing numbers of imported rescue cats and dogs have been seen over the past few years with associated risk of exotic pathogens entering the UK. These numbers are also likely to be swelled in 2022...
ESCCAP UK & Ireland continues to advise that all UK cats and dogs be treated at least every 3 months to reduce egg shedding. High risk groups (cats and dogs on raw unprocessed diets, those that hunt...
All medicines are prescribed for a reason and if they are not administered then the patient will derive no benefit. Poor compliance has a devastating impact on human health; in the USA it is estimated...