School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham; ESCCAP UK & Ireland, Malvern
In the early 19th century, rabies was widespread, and the quarantine of imported dogs for 6 months was essential to eradicate endemic rabies from the UK. With the increase in pet travel and 93...
Internal parasites live inside the animal's body, in different locations including the small intestine, the lung, the heart, the subcutaneous tissue or even inside the eye. The majority of internal...
High stress levels among vets is an increasing trend, with 59% of UK veterinarians considering themselves ‘somewhat or very’ stressed at work (Waters, 2018). Time pressure, in particular, was shown to...
A variety of exotic parasites and their vectors have been diagnosed in travelled UK cats and dogs recently. Of note are the aforementioned ticks and tick-borne diseases, the protozoa Leishmania...
Searches were carried out on 30 September 2020 in MEDLINE via PubMed and CAB Abstracts (1973–present). To the authors' knowledge, there is no published data as to which flea products are purchased the...
The primary search engine used for finding veterinary literature for this study was PubMed, covering the period from 1993 to 2017. ScienceDirect was also used for further papers if required, once the...
Angiostrongylus vasorum has been found with increasing frequency in the UK and across Europe, posing a growing threat to domestic dogs..
Angiostrongylosis is notorious for its non-specific clinical manifestations, occasionally asymptomatic nature, and prolonged course — features that add complexity to the diagnosis of this disease....